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Auto Accident Chiropractic in McKinney and Albuquerque

Holding a spine modelInjuries from car accidents can be very challenging. This is why seeing a Albuquerque chiropractor immediately after the accident is important. Injuries from car accidents may not be apparent until days after the accident has taken place. Therefore, people often make the mistake of not seeking treatment after they have been in an accident because they feel ok.

Your body might not experience pain immediately. In other words, the shock and adrenaline rush after an accident may numb your senses. Therefore, preventing you from feeling any pain. Leaving car accident injuries untreated may lead to more serious and painful injuries. In addition, this can cost you more time and expense with dangerous spine surgeries if left untreated.

What Happens During a Car Accident?

When several tons of metal collide in a car accident, the human body absorbs most of the impact. This trauma can cause soft tissue injury. In addition, it can cause permanent shifts in your spine that can cause severe long-term injury. However, the problems do not stop there. Decreased nerve function from an auto accident can lead to health issues that can last decades if not corrected.

Car Accident Chiropractic Evaluation

Getting a chiropractic eval after you have been in a car accident is important. This can help prevent further long-term damage. Our Illumin8 Chiropractic Chiropractors are certified, experienced, and trained to help. We are experts at identifying back and neck conditions related to car accidents. Therefore, do not wait and see how your body feels after an accident. We suggest you get a spine and nerve checkup immediately after an accident.

We use state-of-the-art surface electromyography and thermography scans. These scans measure misalignments and muscle spasms in your spine from the accident. Therefore, these tests give our doctors a unique window into your body. In addition, this allows us to locate the areas of muscle tension and stress from an accident. This map of your spine also allows our doctors to help you get better results faster!

Adjusting woman

Types of Car Accident Injuries

Types of car accident injuries we see in the practice often:

  • Whiplash
  • Neck Injuries
  • Displaced bone fragments
  • Herniated discs
  • Soft-tissue injuries
Symptoms of injuries may include:

  • Headaches
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Body stiffness
  • Chest pain
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attack symptoms

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Car Accident Injuries

Chiropractic is an effective treatment for car accident injuries. This is because we realign your body to help fix the problem. Our goal with every person we see is to improve health from the inside out. In addition, this helps avoid long-term pain.

  • Non-Obvious Injuries: Whiplash does not always cause pain immediately after a car accident. It sometimes takes days to feel the symptoms of whiplash. In addition, problems like headaches, soreness, dizziness, and pain in the upper back and neck can begin. Therefore, seeing us immediately after your car accident helps us properly diagnose your injuries before the pain worsens.
  • Drug-Free Pain Relief: Pain relief drug medications can be extremely addictive. While medications help reduce the pain, medication does not treat or get to the cause of pain. Chiropractic care offers relief from pain without the need for any addictive drugs or medications. Adjustments heal the body from within.
  • Reduces Inflammation: Chiropractic adjustments relieve pressure on the nervous system. As a result, your body releases anti-inflammatory substances, which reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
  • Restores Range of Motion: Chiropractic adjustments can help mobilize your spine and restore range of motion.

Discover How We Can Help You Heal

We have decades of experience to provide you with the highest level of chiropractic care to help you avoid long-term pain and promote natural healing. Get your health back today-book a visit with our team!


Auto Accident Chiropractic McKinney TX, Albuquerque NM | (505) 407-3084