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Meet Dr. Rod Justice, D.C.

Westside Albuquerque Location

Dr Rod photoDr. Rod Justice Thank you for taking a few minutes to learn about my practice. I have been serving others with Chiropractic care for over 4 decades now! Originally in Georgia, and the past several years here in Albuquerque, NM. Nothing brings me more joy than watching my patients get well and heal.

What is really fun is when people understand the bigger picture for their life and health and what is possible when you are in alignment and everything is working properly. It is not normal to live with years of pain and discomfort. Taking medications to mask and hide health problems is a temporary patch at best that never leads to great health. There is another path.

When you come in to see me, I will first sit down together with you to understand you or your child’s health challenges and goals. I focus on your needs using non-surgical and non-invasive Chiropractic techniques, next to a non-pharmaceutical approach.

I have a great track record of helping people naturally to get back to their life and doing the things that they love. I look forward to helping you do the same.

Take That First Step Toward Relief & Healing

Our team at Illumin8 Chiropractic looks forward to improving our patients’ quality of life. Contact our practice today to schedule an appointment.


Dr. Rod Justice, D.C. | (505) 890-9355