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Sports Chiropractic in McKinney and Albuquerque

Looking at woman's feetThe more active you are, the harder your spine and other joints have to work. Ensuring that your body has good mobility and is in proper alignment is crucial for athletes at any level to heal from injuries, prevent future injuries, and stay active longer.

At Illumin8 Chiropractic, we want to help you return to the game and stay there!

Who We See

Our practice is focused on families, not elite athletes. We see youth athletes in a wide range of sports, as well as adults who are active in recreational sports, going to the gym, and enjoying physical activities—whether that’s playing in a recreational soccer league, running marathons, or even working in the garden.

Some of our patients choose our care to help them recover after an injury, but most come for regular chiropractic to keep their bodies properly aligned and moving so they can prevent injuries and stay healthy and active for the long term.

Our Approach

We begin with a thorough examination, including cutting-edge INSiGHT® scans to assess the health of your muscles and nerves and check your posture. Along with this examination, we take the time to get to know you personally so we can understand your goals and why they’re important to you. Your goals become our goals, so we want to ensure we have a clear picture of what you hope to achieve with our care.

Based on this information, we’ll design a customized care plan for you. Your chiropractor will explain their recommendations and answer all of your questions. Your plan may include at-home exercises and stretches to help restore optimal posture and strength to support your athletic endeavors.

Get Back in the Game Today

Being active is great for your health and well-being—and it’s important to keep your body moving well and properly aligned to allow it to stay active for a lifetime.

Our expert chiropractors are here to help you get back on the field, court, or track and keep you there! Contact us today to schedule.



Sports Chiropractic McKinney TX, Albuquerque NM | (505) 407-3084